16 audio messages, factory messages

The VSR-2 synthesiser is a device used together with the GSM modules and GSM control panels. It is able to store up to sixteen voice messages of the following duration: messages 0-7 (16 seconds each) and 8-F messages (8 seconds each). Suchmessages are used by the GSM module during telephone notifications about alarms and sabotages (output tripping). The synthesiserhas a number of unique functions, including: summing a number of messages into one content (up to 5, including the “m” command)and the possibility of using the AUDIO-IN input to listen-in on objects. In the message-summing mode, the messages are presented in the sequence they were entered in the VSR tab (PARTNER GSM software). Entering the listen-in command (m) interrupts the summing process and results in switching to the audio module signal. The three inputs: I1, I2, and I3 enable the playing of three differentmessages, depending on the addressed input or summing of messages (0-4 messages). This function enables creating a few ombinations of notification messages.

• memory for 16 messages with the length of: 16 seconds (messages 0-7) and 8 seconds (messages 8-F).

• built-in microphone, control buttons: PLAY, NO*1, REC

• digital communication with GSM modules and GSM control panels

• outputs for headphones for listening to messages and the telephone line

• input for the audio module to be used to listen-in on objects

• three inputs for tripping messages, compatible with MGSM 2.0/3.0

• easy installation and configuration, 1-6 factory messages (optional)

• optical signalisation of operational status

• non-volatile memory
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Product name: VSR-2

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